Thank you for your interest in joining us in making Christ-centred recovery accessible to everyone.

Ways to Give

Creekside Church will issue a tax-deductible income receipt for gifts of $20 or more.

Online Giving

One-time online donation or automated online giving.


Payable to Creekside Church. Indicate Celebrate Recovery Canada in the memo line and mail to:
Creekside Church
660 Conservation Dr,
Waterloo, Ontario N2J 3Z4


  1. Log into your bank account and select the account from which you wish to donate.
  2. Select e-transfer/send money (or similar, depending on your bank’s wording).
  3. Follow the instructions provided by your bank, in order to:
    1. Add the recipient/payee/contact (depending on your bank’s wording).
      • You can set us up with the name “Creekside Church”.
      • If given the option to notify by email or text, select email.
      •  Use as the email address to send to.
    2. Indicate the amount to transfer.
    3. Important: Use the message/memo section to designate your donation. “Celebrate Recovery Canada” or “CR Canada”

Please include your full name, address, phone number, and offering designation in the message/memo.
Your contact information need only be sent with the initial donation or when there is a change of address.

Your prayers and financial contributions are greatly valued.

If you have any questions, email

VR Dons et financement

Il y a trois façons de faire un don:

  1. Par un don unique en ligne;
  2. Par un don automatisé en ligne;
  3. Par une série de chèque;

Payable à Creekside Church, indiquez Celebrate Recovery Canada  français dans la ligne de note et postez à :
Église de Creekside
660, promenade Conservation,
Waterloo, Ontario N2J 3Z4

Votre don ira directement à Vie Renouvelée Canada français.

Un reçu déductible d’impôt sera émis par Creekside Church pour les dons de 20 $ ou plus.
Vos contributions financières sont grandement appréciées.
Vos prières aussi sont importantes

Si vous avez des questions, envoyez un courriel à

Clique sur Donate